Canadian Feed the Children

Canadian Feed the Children

We are thrilled to announce our commitment to Canadian Feed the Children, an organization dedicated to providing food, resources and community support to children and families in Bolivia, Canada, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, and Uganda.

As first-generation Canadians, we saw our parents and elders really start from the bottom, and struggle tirelessly to create and utilize their opportunities in order to provide us the resources to strive for our own. This is why we are passionate about leveraging our business to help children overcome the stress that comes with lacking basic necessities so that they can turn their focus toward growing, experiencing, dreaming, succeeding and excelling.

We have committed to donating a portion of our monthly sales to Canadian Feed the Children to help provide a child in need with such things as increased access to nutritious food and quality education, clean water, and community support. Our goal is to one day sponsor an entire village - the more you shop, the closer we get to that goal together.

We appreciate the support of friends, family, and new fans alike, and will be updating you regularly on our blog about how the donations you help us to make are helping children live, learn and eat better. Please shop generously, and help us to help children thrive!